Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Labor Day Labors

Here's one mission accomplished:
The Endless Afghan is now officially The Ended Afghan (or The Afghan Formerly Known As Endless, if you wanna be real formal). It's a couple of repeats shy of what the pattern calls for, and I've got the 3/4 of a ball of Jiffy left to prove it, but I'm just glad it's off the needles. It's big enough as it is. Now that it's done, I've recovered some Needlemaster parts: two cords and a pair of size 11 tips. Hooray, I can make more WIPs!

In other knitting news, I made a hat to match the Sassy Striped scarf:
Pretty cunning, eh? This reminds me that it's about time to get started on the winter holiday knitting. I will try to behave and treat this as an opportunity to stash dive, instead of yarn shop!

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